… but our excitement for the 2011 TASH conference continues to build! We owe a big thank you to everyone who submitted proposals to present at the 2011 TASH Conference. We received a record-breaking number of proposals on topics ranging from advanced technology to support the development of behavioral skills to identifying new ways to support the employment of people with disabilities to increasing self-determination and self-advocacy skills. Each year, our conference boasts more than 200 hours of concurrent sessions addressing topics that impact self-advocates, parents, service providers, educators, researchers and many others.
The 2011 TASH Conference, which runs from November 30 – December 3 in Atlanta, Ga., will be the place to be this fall! Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be rolling out more information about some of our exciting events, including our fourth keynote speaker, our pre-conference workshops and much more.
Visit www.tashorgstg.wpengine.com/2011tash and stay tuned for updates!