Welcome to the testing site for the 2012 Call for Proposals! Thank you very much for your support as we work to improve our Call for Proposals process. This page provides Call for Proposals instructions in web-based form. Paper materials will be created when all details are finalized following the collection of input. If anything is unclear, please let us know at conference@tash.org.
We ask that you read through the presenter agreement, instructions for submission, and supporting information below before navigating to the submission site.
Presenter Agreement
By submitting a proposal to the TASH Conference, you and all co-presenters recognize the following:
– The proposal title and all other content uses People First language (putting the person before the disability).
– The proposal reflects the participation of individuals with significant disabilities in inclusive settings (for example: inclusive schools, community living, integrated employment) or efforts to transition individuals with significant disabilities into more inclusive settings (for example: transition from congregate living situations to privately owned homes).
– The proposal plans to provide presentation content in alternative formats (for example: handouts available as computer text files or in large print, captioned videos) to ensure that all participants have access.
– Presenters are encouraged to include the role or impact of diversity and cultural competency within their proposal.
Instructions for Submission:
1. Review the requirements for a proposal submission below. The online submission system will require you to upload a file containing your proposal. Download your proposal file here before navigating to the submission site!
2. Visit the Call for Proposals submission site at www.tashorgstg.wpengine.com/2012TASH/CFP and set up your account by clicking Sign up here. The submission system is a Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) site that was created by Microsoft to support the TASH Conference. You will need to sign up as a new user in order to access the system.
3. Once you are logged into the system, enter all presentation details requested. During this process, you’ll be asked to upload your completed proposal file. Click here to download the proposal file and fill in with your proposal information.
4. Once you have answered all questions related to your proposal and uploaded your proposal file, click Submit.
5. Your proposal has been successfully submitted for review! You can log back in and modify your submission anytime before the April 5, 2012 deadline.
Requirements for a proposal submission:
(100 characters or less)
This is the full title of your presentation and will be included in the program if your proposal is selected. Please be mindful that the system counts characters, not words. We ask that you adhere to the 100 character limit.
(500 characters or less)
This should give an overview of the major topics and objectives for the presentation. Please carefully check spelling and grammar! To double-check that you are under the character limit, you can paste your abstract into a word document and run a count for characters with spaces.
Presentation Format
Concurrent Presentation: 1 hour 15 minute oral presentations delivered by one or more presenters around a particular topic, with time for questions and answers
Poster Presentation: information about a particular topic is shared in the form of printed text and graphics on a poster display
Film: can range in length from several minutes to several hours and will be considered for inclusion in the conference film strand
To learn more about each presentation format, click here.
Information Type
Application of Innovative or Evidence-Based Practice: Individual or panel presentations that advance the application of innovative and evidence-based practices within inclusive settings.
Story/Personal or Philosophical Point of View: Individual or panel presentations that share personal experiences, challenge philosophical status quo, advance understanding of disability culture, etc.
Research: Individual or panel presentations that present a research study or studies, review of a body of studies, or methodological considerations/advances.
Systems Change: Individual or panel presentations that advance organization-level systems change.
The type of information you share determines what you’ll be asked for your proposal file below. To get more details and examples for each information type, click here.
Proposal File
(all answers should not exceed 3000 characters)
Click here to download the proposal file. Be sure to answer only the questions that are based on your information type. Don’t forget to SAVE your document on your computer! You will be asked to upload your proposal during the online submission process in the File Upload section.
Presenter/Author Names and Contact Information
Enter the names of the presenters/authors exactly as they should appear in the program. Please note that we only include presenter name and organization (if supplied) in the program. We do not include titles. Because the system requires an email for each presenter/author name, we have an additional area to enter any presenters/authors with alternate contact information.
Subject Area
Select the subject area that best represents your proposal. If your proposal involves multiple topic areas, you can select a primary and a secondary topic. If your presentation does not fit into any topic area, select other.
Inclusive Education
Community Living
Human Rights
Diversity & Cultural Competency
Positive Behavior Support