Cal-TASH Summer Symposium
July 25- 26, 2013
Santa Barbara County Education Office
4400 Cathedral Oaks Road, Santa Barbara
Lessons of Inclusion in School and in the Community through Sharing of Personal Journeys
Featuring: Mary Falvey and Richard Rosenberg, Diana Pastora Carson, Tim Holt and Jamie Houghtelin, Kirk Hinkleman, Scott Shepard, Kathy Peckham Hardin & more!
Topics covered:
- Strategies for making the general education curriculum for all students
- Social/recreational success in schools
- Making transition from school to community participation work
- Employment and Community Living strategies for success
Hotel Accommodations: Best Western South Coast Inn. Mention Cal-TASH for conference rates
Register by July 18!
Download the Registration Form
Contact Eileen Medina for more information: