[clickToTweet tweet=”Check out sessions on employment & transition at the #2016TASHconf” quote=”Check out sessions on employment & transition at the #2016TASHconf”]October is National Disability Employment
The 2016 TASH Conference will feature two Wednesday Workshops that focus on employment and transition. The first, Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Building a Dynamic, First Rate Infrastructure to Support State Employment 1st Efforts, will discuss strategic investments in developing the capacity of front-line direct support professionals and in testing innovative tactics for supporting individuals in competitive integrated employment.
The second Wednesday Workshop, Initiative Implementation for Improved Transition Outcomes, will highlight initiatives that can contribute to improved transition outcomes. It will discuss family supports, post secondary education, young self-advocate development, and capacity building for sustainable and effective change.
In addition to these workshops, TASH has added over 20 hours of employment and transition breakout sessions. Click the buttons below to view the sessions.