The Cal-TASH organization supports practices that promote our resolution that all people, regardless of their label or perceived level of disability, should have the supports they need to direct the course of their own lives, and to live and participate successfully in inclusive schools and communities.

To learn more about Cal-TASH, visit

Cal-TASH on Social Media

the square blue Facebook icon the square blue Facebook icon

Chapter Leadership

Executive Committee

Jodie Agnew-Navarro, President
Ruth Ellis, Vice-President
Trinity Suriano, Secretary
Lisa Yamasaki, Treasurer
Eileen Medina, Conference Coordinator
Samantha Toews, Assistant Conference Coordinator

Elected Board Members

Viviana Barnwell
Suad Bisogno
Diana Chulak
Ryan Duncanwood, Current TASH Board Member
Jean Gonsier-Gerdin, Current TASH Board Member
Brandon Gruber, Current TASH Board Member
Alex Reyes
Stanford Stickney

Honorary Board Members

Kathleen Gee, Honorary
Shirley Rodriguez, Honorary
Scott Shepard, Honorary

Contact Cal-TASH

Photo Jodie Agnew-NavarroJodie Agnew-Navarro