Workshop Description:
KFI is an award winning organization that transformed itself in the 80’s and 90’s from traditional center-based services to personalized supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live in homes of their own, work in community businesses, and conduct business and contribute to their communities as typical citizens. In addition to developing supports for people “one person at a time”, KFI has embraced certain “principles of connection” in order to expand and deepen people’s relationships with others whom they share an interest. The audience will be lead through a series of discoveries which might make a difference in any organization, in any family, or in any community.
Four Workshop Objectives:
1) List the 8 assumptions about the need for building community
2) Discuss the merits of 7 approaches to connecting
3) Explain and give an example of the 4 principles of connection
4) Describe at least one positive behavior support as it relates to helping someone access community