Getting Ready for, Experiencing and Benefiting from a College Education

This panel is for administrators, educators, families, and self-advocates to learn how to best prepare for postsecondary education experiences. Panelists will include students and families from Western Carolina University’s University Participant (UP) Program and Beyond Academics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

The panelists will share relevant strategies to help increase independence and facilitate college success leading to an overall improved quality of life and positive, inclusive post-program outcomes.

Panelists include Jalen Cash, Ali Hale, Jackie Kelty, Kenneth Kelty, Denise Sumiel, and Ahmad Rahman.

The panel will be facilitated by Kelly R. Kelley from Western Carolina University and Ali DeYoung  from University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

This panel presentation is ideal for administrators, educators, families, researchers, and self-advocates. All members in the audience will benefit from hearing first hand experiences and strategies.


– The learners will apply strategies given to collaborate in making college experiences a reality for individuals with intellectual disabilities early in their child’s life.
– The learners (including families, administrators, educators, and self-advocates) in this session will evaluate their overall goals and ways to prepare for college during the crucial transition planning years.