Movies are the next best thing to People-like magazine coverage of your mission so I would like to rock the theaters across the country with lots of cheers to name our autistic starring roles as Oscar winning in leading the campaign for the acceptance of every one who communicates differently than the population of normally speaking, and possibly too much and too loudly, people.
Make a date at your local AMC theater to see Wretches and Jabberers in April and you will not only be supporting a very weirdly entertaining film but you will also be promoting the greater goals of TASH for inclusion and opportunities for growth as individuals and organizations in the world of disability rights.
By Larry Bissonnette
Artist and advocate & star of Wretches & Jabberers
Read more about the national debut of Wretches & Jabberers right here on the TASH blog, or click here to read Part I of this blog series from W&J co-star Tracy Thresher.