Today, Thursday, July 31, the House Ways & Means Committee will markup the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act (S. 313/H.R. 647)! We need your help to ensure the ABLE Act moves through the Committee process and to the House floor for a vote as quickly as possible.
Action Needed Immediately:
Please take a few minutes and contact Members of the House Ways & Means Committee to encourage all Members vote YES during Thursday’s Markup on the ABLE Act.
The contact information for each House Ways & Means Committee Members’ office can be found below.
Ways & Means Committee Call Script
- As a constituent, I am calling to urge Congressman/woman [insert name] to vote YES during the House Ways & Means Committee markup on the ABLE Act (Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act) on Thursday.
This bill is extremely important to my family – The ABLE Act is the most popular bill in Congress right now and has earned the support of almost 85% of the entire Congress. - The ABLE Act has 74 Senators and 370 Representatives cosponsoring the bill.
- The ABLE Act would give people with disabilities and their families an ability to save for the future by establishing a tax-free 529 savings account for necessary expenses like housing, transportation, education, and medical costs associated with the disability.
- Thank you sincerely for your boss’ leadership in helping us bring the ABLE Act up for a vote. We appreciate your boss’ support and commitment to the ABLE Act.
Social Media Advocacy
We are encouraging advocates to Facebook/Tweet Members of the House Ways & Means Committee to demonstrate the overwhelming bipartisan support for the ABLE Act. We’ve included two sample FB/T messages along with direct links to each Member’s Facebook and Twitter handles.
Sample Facebook Post:
Congressman/woman [insert last name], as your constituent, I am writing to urge you to vote YES during Thursday’s House Ways & Means Committee markup on the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act (S. 313/H.R. 647).
The ABLE Act has the support of almost 85% of the entire Congress, and would establish a tax-free 529 savings account for people with disabilities to save for necessary expenses like housing, transportation, education, and medical costs associated with the disability. The bill has 74 Senators and 370 Representatives cosponsoring the bill!
Please help us #passtheABLEact this year! We appreciate your support!
Sample Tweet:
.@RepDaveCamp please help millions of Americans with disabilities & vote YES to mark up of #PasstheABLEAct! @WaysandMeansGOP @WaysMeansCmte
85% of Congress agrees, #passtheABLEact. Vote YES in the #ABLEact markup!
If you have any questions, please contact Ginny Sessions you for helping us #passtheABLEact; and as Sara Wolff said in her testimony last week, this year!
For more information on the ABLE Act, click HERE.