Promoting your conference presentation has never been easier! This year TASH has launched an interactive conference website that allows presenters, like you, to share their presentations with ease. Below are some useful tips to help you successfully promote your session(s). We look forward to seeing you in December!
Tip 1) Begin By Watching This Video
This video will give you an overview of the conference website and how to best use it as a conference attendee.
Tip 2) Build Your Personal Profile
This year’s conference website allows presenters to build their own personal profile. When you visit the site, search for your name using the “Search” bar above the right-hand side navigation. Once you’ve found your name, click “Edit Profile.” Here you can:
- Add your photo;
- Connect to your social media accounts;
- Update your contact information; and
- Add your bio.
Keep in mind that attendees want to learn more about you, not just your presentation!
Tip 3) Promote Your Session
First, view your presentation. If there are any errors within the title or description, scroll to the bottom of the website and click the “contact event organizer” link. We’ll get back to your as quickly as possible. Once your presentation looks good, share it! You can do so the following ways:
- Compose organic posts yourself and insert the direct url link (pictured below) to your presentation;
- Click the social media icons (pictured below) located above or to the right-hand side of your presentation description and share; and
- Edit your social media posts as you see fit…Don’t forget Tip #4!
Tip 4) Use The Conference #Hashtag
When sharing information about your presentation at the 2015 TASH Conference be sure to use the Conference Hashtag with each post. There’s a conversation occurring in cyber space, join it!
Tip 5) Get Creative
Social media posts that contain photos or videos are proven to result in more online interaction. Create a short video highlighting the top objectives featured in your presentation. Post a link to the video in your Personal Profile Bio, and/or share it socially using the Conference Hashtag (#2015TASHconf). Share an inspiring photo that captures the gist of your presentation. Whatever it may be, join the TASH conversation and increase the number of attendees at your presentation!
Questions? Email Edwin Canizalez ( for questions regarding your presentation and conference logistics. Email Bethany Alvare ( for questions regarding the promotion and marketing of your session.