Happy New Year! Can you believe we’re already half-way through January? We’ve had such little time to reflect on all that happened in 2010, from work on restraint and seclusion issues, TASH’s first ever Symposium for Change and the national family support training initiative, to everything that went into and came out of the 2010 TASH Conference in Denver. We celebrated the close of 2010 with an invigorating conference that called for a renewed commitment to the equity, opportunity and inclusion of every individual. And at what better time than the present, in the face of a number of crises, demands and distractions competing for scarce resources, time and energy. In this new year, TASH has resolved to elevate its mission and vision through the following New Year’s Resolutions:
Sharing – TASH resolves to share our mission and message with the broader community, and to understand that most people are well-intended, eager to learn and willing to help. Our commitment is to bring issues impacting individuals with disabilities into a constructive public dialogue.
Growing – TASH resolves to grow this organization so that we are in a position to have greater impact on issues that affect individuals with disabilities. We understand that there is strength in numbers, and we are determined to grow our community with people and resources that can help make lasting change.
Focusing – TASH resolves to focus our energies on the things that matter most to people: learning, contributing and belonging. We know that TASH needs to send a clear message, and the mission and vision of TASH should be reflected in everything we do.
Communicating – TASH resolves to communicate powerfully to promote human rights and to admonish those who seek to violate or dilute the basic and undeniable rights of the individual. We seek to take strong, principled stances against human rights violators through the APRAIS coalition and other outreach channels.
Aligning – TASH resolves to align with allies in like-minded anti-poverty, sustainable communities and civil rights movements. The individuals, communities and organizations involved in these areas can build upon the work of TASH to help create positive and lasting change.
Fighting – TASH resolves to fight to preserve the rights of all individuals, and to create a world in which persons with disabilities are honored and included in all aspects of the greater community. We will never waiver on the principles that guide TASH, and we will promote social justice at every opportunity.
Celebrating – TASH resolves to celebrate every step we take and each person we include.
We invite you to celebrate with us, and we also invite you to join in to support these resolutions and make your own. Real change is created with a clear vision and diligent approach to tackling the issues at hand. What’s your New Year’s Resolution?