As you know, TASH has been a progressive leader in disability advocacy since 1975. We continue to advocate for human rights and inclusion for all people with disabilities, especially those with the most significant supports needs, in all aspects of life including education, employment, and community living.
Over the past year, we along with our peers and allies have navigated exceptionally challenging times as we all confront an ongoing pandemic and in an era of economic, social, and political turbulence. We’re grateful to our passionate and committed members and allies who continue to support TASH and its mission especially during this time.
We’ve made real progress over the past year, including the adoption and implementation of a strategic plan designed to strengthen the organization and increase our capacity to more effectively advance policies and practices that benefit all people with disabilities, their families, and communities. We’ve added a new quarterly journal, Inclusive Practices, geared to practitioners and which complements our highly regarded, peer-reviewed journal, Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities. We’ve produced and shared new policy position statements on Inclusive Education, Employment, and Community Living. We’ve worked in coalition to support much-needed reform of guardianships/conservatorships and we’ve worked for increased resources to improve and expand home and community-based services.
Furthermore, we continue to offer outstanding educational and professional development opportunities through our 2021 TASH Conference – Virtual Edition (starting tomorrow and continuing through December 5th), our Outstanding Leadership in Disability Law Symposium and through numerous webinars, including those organized by the Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC), on which TASH is the key working partner.
Your generous support is essential to our continued work and success. We hope that you will make a donation today during this holiday season. Your donation is fully tax deductible and will help to assure that TASH can continue to advance equity, opportunity and inclusion for people with disabilities, with a focus on those with the most significant support needs, in the areas of education, employment and community living through advocacy, research and practice.
With gratitude,
Jenny Lengyel President |
Michael Brogioli Executive Director |