Mastering the use of discovery to improve transition employment outcomes and to promote career development will be one of the objectives you will accomplish by attending the TASH Regional Conference “Promoting Self-Determined Futures” on September 10th at the Loudermilk Center in Atlanta, GA.
Discovery is the process where family members, friends, teachers and neighbors collect information through a series of interviews, activities, and observations.
Part of the training will include a mock discovery session. This is distinctly different learning opportunity will give attendees the chance to roll up their sleeves, learn by doing the work, and have extended conversations with your peers about how to advance the cause of equity of employment for all.
Promoting Self-Determined Futures is a one-day, TASH regional conference. Its focus is on evidence-based practices used to facilitate and support self direction as a tool for improved transition processes and results for youth with significant disabilities.
Learn more and to register here