Each year, the TASH Conference brings together a diverse community of stakeholders who learn about resources and gain information from highly credentialed speakers and professionals working in the disability field. It is our pleasure to announce the keynote speakers for the 2018 TASH Conference!
Employment Track | Wednesday Workshops
This year, Oz Mondejar, Vice President of Talent Management at Partners HealthCare, will kick off our Employment Wednesday Workshops. Oz will share an employer’s perspective before attendees engage in a full day, two-pronged employment track focused on policy and promising practices.
Thursday’s Opening General Session
Our keynote speaker Emily Ladau, a passionate disability rights activist, will discuss biases we have about disabilities, how to move beyond them, and how to embrace the importance of having high expectations for all of us. In addition, we are pleased to welcome back Megan Hoorn and Sarah Mueller’s who presented at our 2017 TASH Talks as siblings of sisters with disabilities.
Friday’s Closing General Session
In closing, we’ll have Johnny Collett, Assistant Secretary in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) at the United States Department of Education (DOE). Johnny serves as the advisor to the U.S. education secretary on matters related to the education of children and youths with disabilities, as well as employment and community living for youths and adults with disabilities. Johnny will touch base on the DOE’s 2019 priorities.