Cal-TASH Holds Regional Meeting in Santa Barbara June 14

Cal-TASH, the California chapter of TASH, is holding regional meetings throughout the state in addition its annual conference. Some of these meetings are whole-day affairs, while others are a few hours on a specific topic. The TASH community is invited to participate in the third regional meeting of 2011 this June 14 in Santa Barbara, Calif. Details:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
6-8 p.m.
Santa Barbara County Education Office
4400 Cathedral Oaks Road, Room 208
Santa Barbara, CA 93160
(Second-level parking lot, cross over the walkway to Cabinet Conference Room 208 – first door on your right)

The Santa Barbara Regional Meeting will include a brief introduction to Cal-TASH, a discussion of what is working for people with disabilities in Santa Barbara and what areas need more support. This will be a casual affair, and complimentary beverages and snacks will be provided.

This is an open forum for interested parties. Those from UCSB’s Teacher Education Program, teachers, administrators, Tri-Counties Regional Center, parents, advocates and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend. Please pass this information along to anyone you think may be interested in attending.

If you have questions about this event, please contact Eileen Medina or Brent Elder.

Eileen: or (805) 895-9706
Brent: or (805) 570-4170

Cal-TASH Board Members Eileen Medina, Matthew Medina and Brent Elder are the organizers of this event.