Person-Centered Planning — What Does this Really Mean?
This is part 2 of 7 in TASH Training’s Fall 2014 series, Values-Based Leadership in Supported Living: Stepping Up to the Promise and the Spirit of the Home and Community Based Waiver
4:00-5:00 PM Eastern, Monday, 6 October 2014 — Please note the different weekday from the regular schedule
About this presentation
We will think about the commitments expressed through the many varieties of person-centered planning that have resulted in meaningful change in the lives of people with disabilities. We will also think about the potential effects of the focus on person-centered planning in CMS regulations.
Anyone who wants to think about what makes person-centered planning work and the possible effects of increasing regulatory demand on person-centered planning.
About the presenter
John O’Brien learns about building more just and inclusive communities from people with disabilities, their families, and their allies. He uses what he learns to advise people with disabilities and their families, advocacy groups, service providers, and governments and to spread the news among people interested in change by writing and through workshops.
John is particularly interested in learning with people who are developing the supports necessary for people with substantial needs for assistance to actively exercise their citizenship by taking valued roles in community life. This has led him to think and write about the design of self-directed services, person-centered supports and plans, customized assistance to employment, the contribution of direct support workers, partnership with families, and Asset Based Community Development.
He works in partnership with Connie Lyle O’Brien and a group of friends from 16 countries.
He is a member of The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies, Syracuse University (US) and a Fellow of the Centre for Welfare Reform (UK), and is associated with in‐Control Partnerships (UK) and the Marsha Forest Centre (Canada).
How to attend
This is a live webinar that will be streamed over the web. The presentation will be about fifty minutes, followed by ten minutes for Q&A. Registered participants will receive an e-mail with instructions and the link to join the webinar on the day of the event. Members are $25; non-members are $40 (register for the complete series to save 20% off the individual webinar price). The member discount will be credited at the time of checkout. Registration closes Sunday, 5 October 2014, the day before the event. For more information, contact Donald Taylor at
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