
TASH and its members have a decades-long history of publishing innovative practices, ground breaking research and models of success that have transformed the disability field. Our members include many of the most respected authors in the field, as well as an emerging generation of advocates and professionals. For years, TASH publications have been a proud example of evidence-based practices and uncompromising values.

Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities

RPSD Cover ImageResearch and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities (RPSD) is the most influential progressive research journal in the disability field, and features the work of both well-established and emerging authors and researchers. RPSD follows a quarterly publication cycle and covers topics such as inclusive education, augmentative and alternative communication, supported living, customized employment, self-advocacy and many more.

RPSD is available as a member benefit, or through a library subscription. Become a member to receive this journal and contact your library and ask that they subscribe to Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.

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TASH-Connections-LogoConnections is the online magazine written exclusively for, and by, TASH members. Each issue contains provocative articles on breakthroughs in the disability field, and challenges readers to rethink some of the toughest issues affecting people with disabilities, their families and advocates. Connections also features stories of success, from model agency programs to exemplary micro-enterprises and beyond.

In each issue you’ll also read about chapter projects from around the country, and stay up to date on TASH’s advocacy and policy priorities, and other news shaping the disability landscape. All TASH members receive access to Connections.

To post an advertisement in an issue, please view the TASH Advertisement Rate Card or contact Bethany Alvare at

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Equity and Full Participation for Individuals with Severe Disabilities: A Vision for the Future

Equity and Full Participation TASH BookAligned with the core values and agenda of TASH, this visionary text prepares professionals in strengthening supports and services for people with disabilities across their lifespan. This book examines critical topics in the lives of people with disabilities, explores necessary reforms to policy and practice, and establishes clear goals for improving early intervention, education, health care, behavior supports and social services.

Equity and Full Participation for Individuals with Severe Disabilities: A Vision for the Future, is published by Brookes Publishing and available for sale at (stock #72704). This text was edited by Martin Agran, Fredda Brown, Carolyn Hughes, Carol Quirk and Diane Ryndak.View an excerpt

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If you would like to request permission to reprint or re-publish information found in TASH Connections, Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, or any other TASH publication, please visit the Copyright Clearance Center.