This is the third session in TASH Training’s five-part Fall 2014 series, Sexuality, Education and Support for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
4:00-5:00 PM Eastern, Monday, 20 October 2014 — Note the change in day from the regular schedule.
About this presentation
The purpose of this session is to provide options for facilitating engaging and meaningful sexual health lessons. During the session, the presenter will share her experiences teaching sexual health to students with intellectual disabilities by describing activities that she used in the About Life class, discussing their effectiveness, and providing suggestions for modifying them to enhance student comprehension.
Learning objectives
As a result of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify strategies for developing sexual health lessons that are engaging, effective, and meaningful for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Identify challenges associated with teaching sexual health to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
This session is designed for anyone involved in creating sexual health curricula or facilitating sexual health lessons for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
About the presenter
Aubrey Ray is an instructor in the Health and Physical Education program at Western Carolina University who specializes in health education. In addition to teaching courses on a wide variety of health topics including sexual health and sexual violence, Aubrey facilitates programs on WCU’s campus and in the surrounding region on topics including contraception and STD prevention, sexual violence prevention, sexual identity and gender identity, body image, and relationships/communication skills. Aubrey has also served as an instructor of the WCU About Life curriculum and is currently serving as a consultant to the program.
How to attend
This is a live webinar that will be streamed over the web. The presentation will be about fifty minutes, followed by ten minutes for Q&A. Registered participants will receive an e-mail with instructions and the link to join the webinar on the day of the event. Members are $25; non-members are $40 (register for the complete series to save 20% off the individual webinar price). The member discount will be credited at the time of checkout. Registration closes Sunday, 12 October 2014, the day before the event. For more information, contact Donald Taylor at
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