TASH is joining the National Federation of the Blind and the Collaboration to Promote Self-Determination, as well as other disability organizations, in protests to be held at states offices of U.S. Senators around the country. The goal of the protests is to educate and raise awareness about the negative impact of federal polices that allow subminimum wages for workers with disabilities. TASH urges all available advocates to participate at events in their local area (list below).
The protests are being held on Tuesday, July 26, in coordination with the twenty-first anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This is an opportune time to focus the nation’s attention, and that of federal lawmakers, on issues and policy that impacts the disability community.
When: July 26, 2011
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (local time zone)
Protests are being held in the following states:
Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois,
Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington, Wyoming
To participate in your area, please see this list of locations and contacts. Contact your local organizer for additional information. You will be briefed onsite at the start of the protest.
View TASH’s press release on the protests
More information can be found at here: Act Now to Stop Expansion of Subminimum Wage
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