Summer is upon us, the weather is…the weather. Most of the kids are out of school, and there is likely a collective sigh from students, families, and educators alike as we head into summer vacation. As you’re heating up the grill and applying the sunscreen, we thought we’d add a little bit to your summer reading list.
The SWIFT Center, in partnership with TASH, has issued its most recent brief on Trusting Family Partnerships. This brief is intended to be a resource for families and educators alike, and will hopefully provide you with constructive ideas on strengthening—or possibly creating—trusting partnerships between families and school staff.
Research and common sense both tell us that when families are meaningfully engaged at all levels, including leadership and decision-making levels, outcomes for everyone (students, teachers, and school systems) improve.
The SWIFT Center is excited to release its newest brief just in time for Father’s Day. We hope that it will provide you with concrete ideas that you can implement in the fall. If you’re a family member, you might use this brief as a discussion guide for the school’s parents’ group. If you’re a school staff member—a teacher, an administrator, or support staff—you might use this brief as a discussion guide activity for your beginning-of-the-year professional development. No matter how you use the brief, we hope that the examples and ideas will provide you with the resources, rationale, and encouragement to strengthen family partnerships in your school.
Happy Summer!!