We are delighted to announce that TASH Connections is now seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our Editorial Board to serve as reviewers.
TASH Connections is a general interest disability newsmagazine published four times a year. The publication explores the fields of education, research, public policy, and advocacy from a disability perspective. The content is intended to add new knowledge, share personal perspectives, and/or inform the readership about best practices in the disability field.
Potential reviewers should be familiar with the publication, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.), and have a commitment to TASH values and its mission (please see www.tashorgstg.wpengine.com for information about the mission and values of the organization).
Reviewers would be responsible for reading, reviewing, and then submitting comments on 3-4 short articles per year to the editor. The written reviews would be roughly 1,000 words, typed, double-spaced written in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
If you are interested in serving on the TASH Connections Editorial Board and being a part of one of the most exciting aspects of the scholarly writing process, then please contact the editor, Dr. Dukes by phone or email:
Dr. Charles Dukes
E-mail: cdukes@fau.edu
(561) 297-1081