Utilizing Candidates Social Networks to Partner with Business
February 21, 2012
2-3 p.m. EST
TASH Members Receive Discounted Rate of $75 to this APSE webinar
Tired of being hung up on and having doors slammed in your face? Ever feel like your candidates aren’t as invested in the job development process as you are? Ever had a candidate find their own job and wish they could all be that easy? This webinar will discuss successful methods for how to best obtain and utilize clients’ social networks as well as how to discover business needs and ultimately define how to connect the two to ensure a successful job match. It will further emphasize the importance of fostering a partnership in both developer/business and candidate/developer relationships. It’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter!
Presenters: Macey Chovaz and Andrzej Waltz-Chojnacki, Employment Consultants at Creative Employment Opportunities, Milwaukee, Wis.
Macey Chovaz graduated from Michigan State University with her masters in Rehabilitation Counseling and has been working with people with disabilities and doing Supported Employment in the Milwaukee area since 2009. She went through Benefits Counseling training that same year to become a Work Incentive Benefits Specialist and is now a member of the Work Incentive Benefits Specialist Association (WIBSA) of Wisconsin. She also performs benefits counseling through the Social Security Administration’s Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) project as an Enhanced Work Incentive Counselor (EWIC). Most recently she became a committee member of the Milwaukee County Commission for People with Disabilities. Macey enjoys the variety of opportunities at Creative Employment Opportunities, including performing Supported Employment Assessments, Benefits Counseling, Job Development as well as Job Coaching. Macey is also a member of the Employment Support Professional Certification Council through National APSE, charged with developing the Employment Support Professional (ESP) requirements for eligibility, examination and recertification.
Andrzej Waltz-Chojnacki graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a B.A. in Comparative Literature. He had a short stint in the field of recruitment before beginning a two year engagement with the Wauwatosa School District as a special education aide. He has been working at Creative Employment Opportunities in Milwaukee, WI since 2007 and is involved in every aspect of direct client service from assessment and benefits analysis to job development and support. Andrzej will shortly take part in further training to become an Enhanced Work Incentive Counselor (EWIC) for the Benefit Offset Demonstration (BOND) project. Andrzej has also led CEO’s involvement with the Ticket-to-Work program.
Contact jenny@apse.org or (301) 279-0060 to learn more and to register. This discounted rate applies only to current TASH members.
Learn more about APSE right here