TASH has led the fight against the use of aversive behavioral interventions for many years. Last year, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights data collection reported that restraint and seclusion use is climbing in public schools. Use is disproportionate: 75% of all incidents involve students with disabilities, and children of color with and without disabilities are twice as likely to be targeted compared to other students. Research tells us that restraint and seclusion serves no benefit, and is traumatic and dangerous for children and for staff.
Last year, the Keeping All Students Safe Act in the House and Senate generated 70 co-sponsors total, but did not pass. Less than half of the states have enforceable protections against the non-emergency use of restraint and seclusion for all children. To respond to this lack of protections in states, TASH and our partner organizations (COPAA, NDRN and other members of APRAIS) drafted this model state bill. View key components of the model state bill.
Most state legislatures are now in session. If your state does not have meaningful and enforceable protections in place for students (assess your state here), please consider working with other advocates in your state to introduce this bill and work toward its passage.
More information, including a compelling video of restraint and seclusion stories, research articles, position papers, and parent resources, can be found at https://