Thursday, March 13, 1 p.m. ET
Members: $50 (individual) $80 (group)
Non-members: $70 (individual) $100 (group)
Employment First initiatives indicate that employment is the first priority and preferred outcome of persons with disabilities, with integrated, competitive employment options being the ultimate vocational outcome (Niemic, Lavin, & Owens, 2009). Unfortunately, employment trends for adults with developmental disabilities continue to lag behind their peers with milder disabilities and the general population (NCSET, 2002).
This training is ideal for caregivers, employers, and anyone interested in building integrated employment capacity in diverse settings. It will provide an overview of various technologies and strategies that can be used to support individuals with disabilities in employment settings.
This training will focus on video-based instructional techniques. The presenter will discuss how to use smart technologies such as tablets and cell phones to increase independence of learners while they work. And, will demonstrate innovative strategies for supporting learners with disabilities in integrated employment settings.
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
1. Identify technologies to support learners in vocational settings
2. Design and utilize instructional strategies to increase independence of learners while they work
3. Locate online resources and materials that will support learners in employment settings
4. Create technology-based materials to implement integrated employment initiatives in their work settings.
TASH Members: Individuals: $50, Groups: $80
Non-Members: Individuals: $70, Groups: $100
You can download a registration form here, which may be e-mailed to To register online, please:
1. Visit the TASH store here
2. Select Video-Based Instruction to Promote Integrated Employment
Toni Van Laarhoven
Toni Van Laarhoven is an associate professor in the Department of Special and Early Education at Northern Illinois University. She teaches courses in the areas of developmental disabilities, assistive technology, and applied behavior analysis. She was a Co-Director of a technology-based, self-advocacy grant funded by the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (Project MY VOICE) and has been responsible for the preparation and development of the assistive technology lab in the College of Education. She has worked in the field professionally for over twenty years and grew up with an older sister with significant disabilities. She enjoys working in the field and has conducted and published several research studies on the effectiveness of using video-based instruction for promoting independence among individuals with ASD and/or developmental disabilities, has presented this research at national and international conferences, and has developed and shared video tutorials for teaching educational personnel and direct care providers to use video-based instruction with learners in applied settings. Her research interests include: video-based instruction, use of mobile devices (e.g., iPods) as prompting systems, transition planning using technology, assistive technology, functional assessment, and technology integration in teacher education.