Each year, TASH honors those whose contributions have advanced equity, opportunity and inclusion for people with disabilities, and whose actions set a high standard for human rights every day. This year, TASH has selected ten awardees in five award categories. Awardees will be recognized at this year’s TASH Conference in Long Beach, California, November 28-December 1. Award presentations will take place the Wednesday (28th) and Friday (30th) of the Conference.
The 2012 TASH Award winners are:
Alice H. Hayden Emerging Leader Award
Jody Pirtle – Douglas, AZ
The Hayden Award is presented to a doctoral student enrolled in a program in education or a related field, and who demon¬strates potential for leadership in teaching, scholarship, and service on behalf of people with significant disabilities.
Marc Gold Award for Employment
Chris Button, ODEP
The inaugural Marc Gold Award for Employment goes to an individual who has made a significant contribution to increasing access to community, integrated employment for persons with significant disabilities. In addition to Chris Button being recognized, TASH will also honor Griffin-Hammis Senior Partner David Hammis, who passed away in August 2012.
Larry J. Brumond Supportive Relationship Award
Ingrid Stone & Susan Lucia, Kirkville, NY
The Larry J. Brumond Supportive Relationship Award honors two individuals who have maintained a mutu¬ally supportive relationship for at least five years in which the dreams and aspirations of the support recipient are supported in that person’s chosen home and community.
June Downing Breakthroughs in Inclusive Education Award
Administrator – Caroline Butler, Maple Wood Elementary, Somersworth, NH
Advocate – Linda Quintanilha, Bennington, NH
School – Willard Middle School, Berkeley, CA
District – Stoughton Area School District, Stoughton, WI
The purpose of the June Downing Breakthroughs in Inclusive Education Award is to honor the important and coura¬geous contributions of individuals and school districts in advancing inclusive education and equitable opportuni¬ties for students pre-school through grade 12, particularly those with the most significant disabilities and support needs. June Downing Awards go to deserving educators in several categories – Administrator, Advocate, School, and School District.
Positive Images in the Media Award
National – Pierre Tétrault Media for the film, “The ‘R’ Word”
Regional – Avalon Films for the video series, “Possibilities”
The TASH Positive Images in the Media Award honors presentations in print, film or other forms of media that pro¬mote positive images of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life. Awardees are recognized in two categories – National and Regional.
For more information on attending the TASH Conference, please visit www.tashorgstg.wpengine.com/2012tash or call 202-540-9020.