Tool-Kit: How to Advocate for Medicaid

A big question mark and a little question mark, in a jumble, suggesting energeticness in need for response.

What is Medicaid

Medicaid provides healthcare to children, low-income adults, people with disabilities, and the elderly. Recently, Congress attempted to repeal Obamacare and cut back Medicaid, leaving many people worried about their healthcare. Obamacare was not repealed, but Medicaid is still at risk of being cut back by new legislation proposed by Congress. Medicaid is important to the lives of many people with disabilities. In order to take a stand, we are providing you the tools you need to call your Congress member or Governor to show your support for Medicaid.

A black state map of the United States. The states are all in black with white lines separating them.

Medicaid in Your State

Medicaid provides healthcare to children, low-income adults, people with disabilities, and the elderly. In your state, Medicaid may be called something different, such as, “DC Healthy Families” or “Medi-Cal”. For a list of what Medicaid is called in your state, please click here.

A black stylized slightly cartoony illustration of a capitol dome.

Contacting Your Congress Member or Governor

How to say YES to Medicaid
  1. Call, email, or write your Congress Member voicing your story or opinion with Medicaid. You can find information on your Member of Congress here.

  2. Call, fax, or write your State Governor if your Member of Congress does not answer. You can find information on your State Governor here.

How to talk about Medicaid
  1. Block grants mean states can assign where federal money is spent. It is not required to go to any specific area. This may mean the money will first go towards hospitals, doctors and nursing homes, not home and community based services.

  2. Per-capita caps mean limiting or putting a “cap” on how much money can be spent on each person receiving Medicaid. Caps would slow down spending and result in reductions.

  3. If per-capita caps or block grants are put into law, the cost will go to the states. If costs go to the states, there may be less services available to those with disabilities.

  4. Tell your story! Explain how Medicaid has helped you or your loved one.

An illustration of a gigantic pen being applied to a small card of paper.

Example of a pro-Medicaid Letter-to-the-Editor

Dear Editor,

Obamacare may be safe for now, but Medicaid has and will continue to be a target of Congress. The changes thrown around would ultimately mean no longer guaranteeing financial support or coverage in medical costs to people with disabilities. Whether it is block-grants or per-capita caps, there will be less money going to the states for Medicaid. As a result, states must pick up the extra costs- if they choose to do so. Medicaid helps roughly 10 million children and adults with disabilities go to school, work, and live an overall fulfilling life. Medicaid is not a “handout” to those who are not willing to work but a helping hand to those who do. I urge all who are reading to call or write their members of Congress to give your support to Medicaid.

Sincerely, Fill in the Blank

Remember to give your contact information:
First and last name, email and street address.

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Last updated: 30 March 2017 — Authors: Tia Nelis and Aubrey Snyder