In early January, U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez announced the 17 public members who will serve on the new Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities, a key provision of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which was passed and signed into law in July. This committee will advise the U.S. Secretary of Labor on ways to increase competitive integrated employment opportunities for individuals with significant disabilities.
The Advisory Committee includes 17 members, selected from a nominee pool of 280. Two TASH nominees, Board Member Ruby Moore, Co-Chair of TASH’s Employment Committee, and David Mank, Employment Committee Member, were selected. Ruby is a recognized national expert on integrated employment for people with significant disabilities, and is Executive Director of the Georgia Advocacy Office, the state-wide protection and advocacy office. David Mank is the Director of the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana University. Congratulations to both Ruby and Dave on their selection. They will serve in this capacity from now until the end of the Obama Administration. To learn more about the roles and members of the Advisory Committee, click here.