Jacque Wisnauskas arrives at TASH from the public school world. She has spent her entire career in public schools working with and advocating for students with disabilities. She attended The American University in Washington, DC on a full swimming scholarship and shortly thereafter attended graduate school earning two Masters Degrees in Administration and Special Education, respectively.
She has taught elementary learning-disabled students, middle school science, behavioral and emotionally challenged students, was a principal of several special schools and also held the position of Supervisor, Special Programs at the school district level. Her leadership experiences have taught her much about the boundaries and parameters that influence changes in culture in the K-12 world.
Diagnosed with Aspergers, Jacque’s passion and drive for students with disabilities has continued to grow over the years. Her efforts have been to promote access and opportunity for all students. This effort continues to remain at the forefront of her daily work.
Jacque currently serves as the Program Policy Assistant with TASH in collaboration with the SWIFT Center in an effort to provide academic and behavioral supports to promote the learning and academic achievement of all students, including students living in poverty, English language learners, students with disabilities, including those with the most extensive needs.
Jacque believes that when adults set aside their egos and focus on what is best for the child, student needs can be met regardless of the disability or challenges that may exist.