Look for representatives from Wisconsin TASH at the UW Oshkosh spring “Planting the Seeds of Inclusion: Supporting the Growth of All Children” conference, Saturday, March 2, as they host a TASH membership drive. For information about the conference and its associated free resource fair for local families, visit, www.uwosh.edu/go/seedsofinclusion. For more information about Wisconsin TASH, contact Stacey Skoning, skonings@uwosh.edu.
Planting the Seeds of Inclusion Conference
Saturday, March 2, 2013
8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Sage Hall, UW Oshkosh Campus
Every March, the departments of Curriculum and Instruction, Reading, Special Education and Educational Leadership at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh College of Education and Human Services host the Planting the Seeds of Inclusion conference to help support inclusive education.
This year’s keynote speaker is TASH member Cheryl Jorgensen, who’ll present “The Inclusion Imperative: Creating Schools Where All Children Belong and Learn.”