If you missed seeing our new documentary film, Wretches and Jabberers, at the 2010 TASH Conference, thanks to the Hussman Foundation and the Autism Society, it is going to be in AMC theaters in at least 40 cities in April. Go to the Wretches and Jabberers website to get dates and times in your community: https://www.wretchesandjabberers.org/tour.php
This is road trip film in which two veteran TASH presenters and self advocates, Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette, travel around the world, touching down in Sri Lanka, Japan, and Finland, to put a new face on autism. Tracy is the consummate political organizer and Larry the artist and wordsmith of visual images and 7-10 word adjectival phrases. Larry and Tracy type to communicate, although they also speak aloud their words as they meet up with journalists, university professors and students, families and other people who like themselves have been classified as autistic. The film is both an adventure and vision of what inclusion can look like when the included set the pace and tone. Do whatever you can to make sure you see Wretches and Jabberers when it goes nationwide in April!
Doug Biklen, Lifetime TASH member
Producer, Wretches and Jabberers
Read more about the national debut of Wretches & Jabberers right here on the TASH blog, or check out the two-part blog series from W&J co-stars Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette.