June 16, 2015
Washington, DC
Registration Deadline: May 5th
Hotel Deadline: May 11th
On June 16, the TASH Board of Directors, along with advocates from across the country, will gather on Capitol Hill to hear from disability champions in Congress and meet with U.S. senate and house offices. We’ll be asking Congress to take action on the following priorities:
- Restraint and seclusion prevention in public schools
- Equity in public school education
- And More!
If you can’t make it to Washington, DC, you are invited to meet with your elected officials’ staff members in their home offices. This is a GREAT opportunity to build relationships with these important elected officials. Whichever option you choose, you must register below and attend all 4 webinars!
Hit register below to complete the registration form no later than May 5th. If you register after, you may miss some of the training sessions; nevertheless, you will still be able to view the archives and be up to date.
Registration Closed
Capitol Hill Day Webinar Training
Mark 5:00 PM (Eastern) on these four Tuesday afternoons on your calendar!
- May 12
- May 26
- June 2
- June 9
This four-session webinar series (which will also be archived) will provide you with an in-depth understanding of TASH’s Legislative Agenda, guidelines for conducting a visit with an elected official, and the skills necessary to make a powerful request. Don’t miss this golden opportunity!
Hotel Reservations
For those coming from out of town, we have reserved a block of rooms at the Embassy Suites at BWI airport at the special rate of $139 per night. Please make your hotel reservations by May 11th. Reservations can be made by phone by calling 1-800-HILTONS and asking for the TASH room block group rate.
Learn more about the hotel here.
These are the bills in front of Congress now that will be discussed with Congressional representatives June 16th:
- Keeping All Students Safe Act– this bill sets limits on how restraint and seclusion are used in public schools
- Reauthorization of Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) – addresses equity for students with disabilities
- Transitioning to Integrated and Meaningful Employment Act or TIME Act – ends the federal sanctioning of sub-minimum wage payments to people with disabilities
If you’ve never met with Congressional offices before, this is an ideal way to become familiarized with this important aspect of being a citizen. Congressional offices respect and want to hear the views of their constituents. They are especially interested in understanding how people’s lives are impacted by laws they are considering. Your visits will be well received and impactful in decision making. Participating in Capitol Hill Day also promotes a deeper understanding of the role you play as an advocate both nationally and on a state level. TASH members must work to influence state and federal legislation or TASH priorities will not be considered in legislative decision making.