For 45 years – from volume one, issue one on March 14, 1975, through vol. 45, no. 1, in Winter 2020 – TASH has published a member newsletter. It has gone through a variety of names and formats, with its final form, starting in February 2001 (vol. 27, no. 2), being Connections.
Issues took a familiar format: a Letter from the executive director and/or president followed by several articles written by TASH members sharing a similar theme. These themes varied from spirituality (vol. 38, no.1) to the No Child Left Behind Act (vol. 29, no.10). In between the articles there would be advertisements for books, conferences and jobs relevant to TASH readers.
While the member contributions were the main focus of Connections, the magazine also served to keep readers informed about what TASH was up to. From conference dates to board elections (e.g. vol. 30, no. 7) and from congressional testimony to UN advisory roles (vol. 29, no. 8), Connections was the place to find out what TASH was planning and what it had done.
In addition to these regular issues TASH occasionally had special ones. Once a year, prior to widespread Internet adoption, there would be an issue providing an itinerary for the annual TASH Conference (e.g. vol. 25, no.9). Occasionally Connections would also feature an issue guest edited by an important TASH member (e.g. vol. 42, no. 1).
TASH produced our final issue of Connections (vol 45, no 1) in Winter 2020, dedicated to Self-Advocacy. Connections has been superseded TASH’s new peer-reviewed practitioner journal, Inclusive Practices, which is available to all members. Additionally, TASH keeps its members informed about organization news through its monthly e-newsletter, TASH in Action.
connections Member Archive
Currently TASH has scanned twenty years of back issues of Connections, all of which are available to TASH members in our Connections archive.
Not a TASH member? Join today or purchase Connections by clicking the “Purchase Connections” button below.