tash position statements
Inclusive Education:
Transform school communities based on social justice principles in which all students (a) are presumed competent, (b) are welcomed as valued members of all general education classes and extra-curricular activities in their local schools, (c) fully participate and learn alongside their same age peers in general education instruction based on the general education curriculum and (d) experience reciprocal social relationships. Read the complete inclusive education position statement here.
Community Living:
Expand the provision of person-centered, long term supports and individualized choice for community living for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in every state. Read the complete community living position statement here.
Increase the employment rate for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and eliminate federally sanctioned sub-minimum wages. Read the complete position statement on competitive integrated employment here.
A call for guardianship and supported decision-making reforms that expand the restoration of rights and the use of supports that honor the autonomy of all persons with disabilities. Read the complete position statement on guardianship here.