A photograph of a man and a woman, both in wheelchairs, holding hands and smiling in the living room of their home.

Creative Solutions to the Community Living Crisis

When: This is a six-part webinar series. Episodes are every week (with a one week break on March 6th) on Fridays at 1:00 PM Eastern, starting February 21st, running through April 3rd.

About the series: Supporting people with disabilities to live in the community and live valued lives is a rapidly changing field of work. It is often difficult if not impossible to keep up with all changes.

  • What is the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) rule and why is it important?
  • How is the HCBS rule changing and what could happen to it?
  • How do you find housing for individuals when rents are increasing so much faster than people’s income?
  • How do you provide support to people when you can’t find Direct Support Providers to work?
  • Are there ways to apply technology to supplement DSP support?

These are just some of the questions we will be exploring in this six week series. This series covers some of the hot topics and challenges supporting individuals to live quality lives in the community. We will begin with the revolutionary Home and Community Based Services Settings Rule. What is it and how has it changed? We will explore how to make “the rule” a reality. Next we will examine the current housing crisis. What are the real requirements of accessibility? We will begin looking at creative solutions for finding, keeping and developing accessible housing. And finally, our country is also facing a crisis of direct support professionals who provide the day-to-day support to those who experience disability. What are the implications of a workforce shortage? What changes need to happen to “fix” this problem? How are innovative providers finding and keeping good DSPs and using creativity and technology to extend the capabilities of the ones they have?

Purchase the Complete Series

Series Schedule

The series will cover three major topics – Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waivers, the housing crisis and the Direct Support Provider crisis – in six episodes, with two episodes dedicated to each topic. The series runs from February 21st through April 3rd. For more details on each episode and presenter, click the episode block below:

Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waivers
The Housing Crisis
The Direct Support Provider Crisis

How to Participate

This series of live webinars will be streamed over the web via Zoom. Each presentation will be about fifty minutes, with ten minutes for questions and answers. Registered participants will receive an e-mail with instructions and the link to join the webinar on Thursday (the day prior) and a reminder the morning of the event.

Attendees can register for single episodes or for the entire series. Each session costs $50, or there are four great ways to save:

  1. Non-TASH members: When you register for the complete series, you attend for $25 off — that’s $275 instead of $300.
  2. TASH Professional members: You get $10 off for individual episodes, and $20 off the complete series price. Individual episodes are $40 and the complete series is $220.
  3. TASH Self-Advocate, Family, DSP, Retired & Student members: Attend the series at the reduced rate of $20 for individual episodes (60 percent off) and $100 for the complete series (two-thirds off).
  4. Group discount:When you register five people, the fifth person attends free. Click here to register your team at the reduced group rate.
Price Summary
Self-Advocate, Family, DSP,
Retired, Student Members
Professional Members Non-members
Complete series $100 $220 $275
Individual episodes $20 each $40 each $50 each

You need to be logged in to your member account for the system to apply your member discount (if you don’t know your member account login and/or password, you can reset them here.)

All the presentation will be recorded and available for purchase in the TASH Training Resource Library, or available without additional charge to Premium Members.

Purchase the Complete Series Purchase Individual Sessions


Not presently eligible for the membership discount? Become a member today and save.

If you have any questions or need help, you can contact Donald Taylor at dtaylor@tash.org or 202-878-6959.