TASH was invited to participate in a plenary session at the Health Disparities Research at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Disability: A National Conference in Washington, DC, April 25-26. The National Conference focused on the quality of health care for people with disabilities from underserved racial and ethnic populations. TASH members Ralph Edwards, Carol Quirk, and Mathew McCollough provided a presentation titled, Approaches to Addressing Disabilities, before an audience of more than 200 people representing community-based organizations, education institutions, and the disability community. Through Approaches to Addressing Disparities, the presenters provided a framework describing how TASH’s involvement has led to collaborative efforts with other advocacy partners to reduce health and other disparities within the disability community. The plenary session allowed TASH to be introduced to a wider audience outside the disability community. As a result of TASH’s participation, the organization connected with several potential partners to see how future collaborative efforts could be established supporting TASH’s ongoing endeavor of improving the quality of lives of people with disabilities and their families.