TASH Members and Supporters
You likely know by now that TASH has been as the forefront of advocacy efforts regarding restraint and seclusion. Over a year ago, the Keeping All Students Safe Act passed in the House of Representatives with bipartisan support. Later in 2010, it failed to reach the Senate floor for a vote. With the support of TASH, the Alliance to Prevent Restraint, Aversive Interventions and Seclusion (APRAIS) and advocates like you, this critical legislation has now been re-introduced into the House of Representatives by Rep. George Miller, D-Calif.
The Keeping All Students Safe Act would, for the first time, put in place minimum safety standards to prevent abusive restraint and seclusion in schools across the country, similar to protections already in place in medical and community based facilities. After two years, states will need to have their own policies in place to meet these minimum standards. It would apply to schools and preschools receiving federal education support.
As you have in the past, please again join us in supporting the Keeping All Students Safe Act!
1) Please view “The Cost of Waiting,” a report from TASH detailing the consequences of not passing this legislation a year ago. You’re encouraged to download and share this report with your networks, congress members and media in your area. View the report here: https://tash.org/the-cost-of-waiting/
2) Contact your U.S. Representative and urge them to co-sponsor this legislation
Contacting Your Representative
Online: find a representative in your state and click on their contact form to submit your letter. In your letter, identify yourself as a constituent and urge your senator/representative to “Please support the Keeping All Students Safe Act (H.R. 1381).”
Phone: call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your representative’s office. Once connected, ask to speak with an office aide who handles education issues. Identify yourself and ask the aide to “Please tell Representative (NAME) that I support the Keeping All Students Safe Act (H.R. 1381).”
View TASH’s press release on the Keeping All Students Safe Act and The Cost of Waiting
For additional background and information, visit the APRAIS section of this site