TASH opened the conference halls on Wednesday for those interested in a series of interactive workshops known as TASH TECHs. Each workshop is led by a leader in their respective field. Yesterday’s TECHs included one full-day workshop titled “Keeping All Students Safe: what H.R. 4247 means for you.” This eight-hour TASH TECH covered the great deal of confusion concerning this piece of legislation. The purpose was to review what the act says and the rationale behind it. Participants reviewed findings from the House Committee on Education and Labor and discussed how schools can proactively implement training to comply with the act.
Other session topics included PBS in preschool settings, led by Lisa Fox of the University of South Florida, as well as cultural competency and cultural reciprocity. Lisa provided participants with resources for implementing the Pryramid Model, which provides a tiered framework of promotion, prevention and intervention practices that support social development. Think College, who also partnered with TASH in 2010 for a webinar series, held a TASH TECH aimed at establishing and improving postsecondary education options for students with disabilities. This half-day session reviewed the newly validated Standards and Quality Indicators for Postsecondary Education developed through a Delphi method approach by Think College.