Better Supports, Better Lifestyles in Today’s Challenging World
TASH New England Annual Conference
Friday May 11 and Saturday May 12, 2012
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Friday Keynote by Chad Sinanian, Vice President, People First of Connecticut and Consumer Advocate, Ability and Beyond
Welcoming remarks and Keynote by Elin Howe, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services
Saturday Keynote by Patti Scott, Co-Founder of Neighbours Inc, Franklin Park, New Jersey
Break out sessions and in-depth learning opportunities on:
Inclusive Education
Employment and Transition
Community Living
Civil Rights
There will also be a Friday evening gathering and Poster and Exhibit session!
Special conference rate at the Holiday Inn Express, Auburn, MA
Watch for complete conference and registration information in March.
For more information contact Dina Traniello at: