TASH is pleased to offer the following presentations are part our 2013 Training Series on Inclusive Education. Come and learn from experts and innovators in the field on emerging topics in Inclusive Education, including:
Quality Indicators of Inclusive Education: Policy & Practice
Making High School Inclusion Meaningful
Alternate Assessments (Part I): Where are We and Where are We Going?
Alternate Assessments (Part II): How to Develop Instruction that Connects to Assessment
Each training session is pre-recorded, and available online 24/7. Learn at your leisure, or conveniently organize staff or class trainings. View additional details below, or learn more at www.tashorgstg.wpengine.com/training.
TASH Members: Individual $35/Group $65
Non Members: Individual $55/ Group $85
All sessions are available starting February 11, 2013
Quality Indicators of Inclusive Education: Policy & Practice
Presented by Cheryl Jorgensen, Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire
In this online training session, come along as we explore descriptors of inclusive education for students with significant disabilities, which have been organized into Quality Indicators (or, best practices) by several universities and non-profit organizations around the U.S. We’ll examine the common features of four Quality Indicators, and present the unique features of each. This session also includes a compelling story of how a parent of a child with Down syndrome utilized quality indicators to advocate for her daughter’s inclusive education in her neighborhood school.
Making High School Inclusion Meaningful
Presented by Heather Allcock and Barb Gruber, Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education
What does meaningful inclusion look like? In this training session, we’ll explore how you can think about and plan for meaningful inclusion in high schools. Join as for a exploration of the data that show outcomes are better for students with disabilities when they are included in general education classrooms. We’ll also compare the “new basics” and “employability” skills with traditional “functional” skills, and introduce the tools for developing individualize supports and a framework for planning schedules at each grade level based on strengths and preferences.
Alternate Assessments (Part II): Where are We and Where are We Going?
Presented by Deborah Taub and Jean Clayton, Keystone Alternate Assessment Design
In this training session we’ll examine alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities from the perspective that, if done well, they can support system-side inclusion for all students. Learn about the current laws and requirements for AA-AAS, and the two national consortia efforts to build AA-AAS around the Common Core State Standards. We’ll also discuss key issues to watch as we move forward.
Alternate Assessments (Part II): How to Develop Instruction that Connects to Assessment
Presented by Mike Burdge, Keystone Alternate Assessment Design
We know that assessment without effective instruction has limited uses and questionable results. Join us for part two of the TASH training session on alternate assessments, in which we address how to develop instruction that connects to assessment. Gain a better understanding of the close link between assessment and instruction, especially alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards. You’ll come to learn how to identify and address basic challenges in providing standards-based instruction, and gain insights into making classroom-based formative and summative assessment connect instruction to alternate assessments. We’ll also use principles of UDL to show how barriers to accessibility can be addressed through scaffolded support and accommodations.