Consider hosting a TASH Night Out event—it’s a great way to get involved locally while supporting TASH. A TASH Night Out is a party, celebration, or any way you want to bring together your friends, coworkers, neighbors and others for fun, with a goal to raise funds for TASH. Members and chapters have hosted pool parties, wine and cheese parties, movie nights, happy hours, garden parties, cook-outs, lobster bakes, pot-luck and other events and outings. Also, your birthday, wedding or anniversary can be a TASH Night Out—just ask your guests to make a contribution to TASH in lieu of gifts.
To give you some examples: Gail Fanjoy is planning a summer Lobster Bake in Maine. PennTASH has a pool party scheduled for September. Jean Trainor is having her Third Annual Jimmy Buffett TASH Night Out this August! There are so many great ideas. And, each event helps to raise funds for TASH while bringing together friends, family and neighbors and raising awareness about issues impacting the disability community. If you would like to host an event, please contact Michelle Gentry at or (703) 303-0293.