Upcoming Cal-TASH 32nd Annual Conference

Guest Post By: Kirk Hinkleman, Co-President of Cal-TASH

Cal-TASH is excited to announce our 32nd Annual Conference!!  Our keynote line-up will be highlighting the significant anniversaries of TASH, IDEA and ADA.  Join us in honoring and sharing stories with the pioneers of these movements!  This year’s conference will be held in Southern California, Irvine to be specific.  The event will be held at the Hilton Irvine/Orange County Airport on March 6th and 7th.  We’ll be hosting our annual Cal-TASH Bash, have copious amounts of great items to be procured through our Opportunity Drawing and will strive to leave attendees energized by two full days of dynamic presentations, breakouts and networking.  As always, we will be weaving in threads TASH identifies as the foundation for our efforts as change-makers across the country; specific to issues, ideas, innovations and celebrations from people across our great state!  These threads include:

  • Inclusive Education
  • Community Living
  • Employment
  • Diversity & Cultural Competency
  • Human Rights

The Board of Directors for Cal-TASH are working diligently and passionately to put together and facilitate an event that will leave you filled with renewed energy and with practical ideas to carry that reinvigoration out into the field for the rest of the 363 days of the year.  We welcome all of you to visit us at the following sites:

See you all in March in So Cal!!  Best wishes for the rest of 2014…


Kirk Hinkleman